The Unbearable LIghtness of Feet
In an amazing display of male stupidity I recently agreed to go running with my boss. While everyone would acknowledge that I am the superior athlete (highest ranked rider in my house 39 years straight!) it turns out I suck at running. As I drug myself out of bed the next morning, then down the stairs and then into work where I was unable to requisition a wheelchair it occured to me I should probably get some real shoes. So I rolled down to Roadrunner Sports, which appears to be slightly less evil than Performance Bicycles, and got myself the full-meal deal shoe fitting.
The end result is that I got a couple custom orthotics out of the deal that have dramatically improved the fit of all my shoes. Now, I've since learned that there is a lot of heated debate over whether orthotics improve bio-mechanical efficiency blah blah. I don't know or realy care about that. The issue I had was just uncomfortable fit: my shoes where either to tight or too loose. As Hone LLC or Darth Tubbs can attest from the '09 Les Schroll "But I'm Not Dead!" Memorial Ride up St. Helens that pain can be pretty dramatic.
Anyway, if you have ill-fitting shoe issues I can't recommend custom orthotics enough.