Monday, June 12, 2006

Post Big Bear

The Marathon to 24 Hours of Big Bear is complete. I was sans Bike and manning the booth, a big regret. The course looked and sounded awesome. I kinda burnt out on 24 Hour racing, maybe cause of the courses but mostly because I like road and just got focused on that.

But, since my 3 year stint as 24 Hour Team National Champion expires on July 30th I am going to get me on a team for Killington and take one last whirl in the Star and Stripes.

Pittsburgh wasn't what I expected.. my mental image was similar to Mordor, but it was actually pretty. Traffic wasn't bad and cars actually stayed right. Imagine, the left lane used for passing!

But after nearly 18 hours on planes in the last 3 days I am happy to be home with Mrs. Pdog and PPuppy.


At Monday, June 12, 2006 8:09:00 PM, Blogger UltraMick said...

Not to imply any "unnuendo" or anything, but how come when I click on the link for "Martin C's blog" on your main blog page, I get Martha W's blog instead? True, they ride together sometimes, but I'm pretty sure they don't share input into their pages. Inquiring minds want to know.

At Tuesday, June 13, 2006 3:28:00 PM, Blogger P-Dog said...

it's fixed now....

At Tuesday, June 13, 2006 3:51:00 PM, Blogger Old as dirt said...

That might get stoked on the bastardo list!!


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