We're going to lose.
I don't just agree with Paul Krugman that we should leave Iraq. We have to leave. This won't be a popular sentiment because so many Republican's live in a fantasy land, but we have to get out of Iraq. Why? Because if we stay we will lose. The bottom line is there is now an insurgency that has real staying power and we don't have the manpower to defeat it.
I supported the war, but learned a valuble lesson. The Bush administartion can be counted on doing 2 things: misleading you about their goals and being incompetent.
The reality on the ground is that a large number of Iraqi's see us as an occupation force. For every good thing we do, our incompetent leadership makes sure there are 2 things to piss the locals off.
If we start pulling out now, we can at least try to leave the impression that we won and that we are leaving Iraq in the hands of the locals. It may even take the steam out some of the insurgency. If we stay, we will only fuel the insurgency and eventually will run out of troops. That will make the world more dangerous.
And before you flame me; I am not the one that got us here. The war was winable; our stated goals attainable. It was the lack of honesty and competency of the Neo-Cons that lost this war, aided and abbetted by moderate republican's who supported these policies out of party loyalty. Good job. Thanks to you our options now are all bad.
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