Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Let's be honest with ourselves

Rove won't go. This mock indignation about how he has damaged the integrity of the White House is sad. This White House has no integrity and we know it. That includes it's supporters, who may be engaging in a extensive game of self denial or outright apathy towards it, but are nonetheless deep down aware that the foundation is made of bullshit (in the technical sense).

Let's quit pretending that we are shocked or that we are appealing to some higher standard of morality. Let's just be direct and say that we hope Rove went too far and that the administration needs to be held accountable.

And then let's hope that the Administration's decision not to do anything wakes a few more people up. Which it won't. Because it's not that they don't know what's going on; it's the don't want to know.


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