Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Maybe he just doesn't understand how trains are built

Responding to the anonymous TPMCafe poster who

Transit is not stimulus....The recession may last two years. That would make it the worst since World War II. It might last four years, which would be epochal. By contrast, optimistically a high-speed rail system takes two or three times as long to get from gleam in the eye to operational.

Emphasis mine.

Er, no. You are conflating the stimulus goal with the delivery of a finished transit product. Stimulus works by providing jobs during a projects execution which is that time between being a "gleam in the eye" and "going operational".

And given the Great Depression lasted 10 years I don't think he/she should be granted 2-4 years as some reasonable range of time for the current downturn.


At Wednesday, January 28, 2009 11:58:00 AM, Blogger UltraMick said...

So do you count blog posts as part of the hours at work that you're "productive," or do they fall in the time that you are non/under/counter-productive?

At Wednesday, January 28, 2009 1:10:00 PM, Blogger P-Dog said...

Well, in this case I was waiting for a certain tool we needed to do our work to come back online. So underproductive. But not my fault!


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